FTP Connection Denied

edited November -1 in Bug/Issue Reports

I have created my account and set my FTP credentials - I am using WINSCP and the connection settings are correct. However when challenged for a password, I am denied access. I have changed my password 4 times and tried simple to complex versions of passwords. None will allow my connection. (I have also tried windows command line connection, coreFTP and Filezilla) I suspect there is a disconnect between the password change option and the ftp credentials? Is there something I am can check on my side to ensure I am not the problem?


  • rivey_210901
    edited November -1

    After waiting 2 days to see if the problem would resolve, I tried again and the password issue remains. Any assistance would be appreciated.

  • rivey_210901
    edited November -1

    For grins - I changed the password again today - I still get access denied. Does anyone have any suggestions?