Website & Joomla Admin Won't Display

edited November -1 in Support Forums

Hello, I hope you are all well.

My website, will not display, and I can't even enter the administrator, all I get is a white screen, with the word error on it.

Please can someone help me?



  • edited November -1

    Error: Failed to start application: Could not connect to MySQL server.
    Warning: session_write_close(): Failed to write session data (user). Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct (/php_sessions) in /home/vol2_4/ on line 194

    This is the problem when I put Eerror reprting to maximum, but I have no idea what I need to do..

  • edited November -1

    3 topics by you were closed.

    Reason: duplicate thread.
    Do not make another duplicate, or you will get a 24 hour ban for spamming

  • edited August 2018

    @TheCrafters said:
    3 topics by you were closed.

    Reason: duplicate thread.
    Do not make another duplicate, or you will get a 24 hour ban for spamming

    Have you fixed my site yet, surely that's a better answer to me, rather than this no?? Why not leave one open, and close the other two, hardly the customer service I expect..

  • edited November -1

    @badbot said:
    Hello @PaulNewman123

    error I received at your site is:
    "Error: Failed to start application: Could not connect to MySQL server."

    There is a lot of trouble shooting to do. Are you on the free hosting? If so you have to fix it yourself. No customer services!

    it could not connect to MySQL server because the MySQL server path is tricky on this network. It is not "LocalHost".

    In the Panel you see "MySQL hostname:". But you go into phpMyAdmin you may see something different for hostname.

    If memory service me I think all database have the same user name and password. No matter what you set them to. It is the default user name and password.

    Hello, It was fine the site, when I wrote the last article, it is something that has happened your end, not mine, if I had done it, I would hold my hand up, and after all the time invested in the site, and trusting you to look after it, I think it's a poor show, that you're not even bothered in fixing it.. I am not au faix with the code, I just know how to Joomla adequately enough to get our non - profit community project out there, nobody touched the code, the problem is your end. The amount of troubleshooting needed, comes no where near the amount of time our volunteers have put into that project, written, and producing audio, and for all their good work to be undone through no fault of their own, and the people responsible, to just wash their hands of it, well I think it's rotten..

  • edited November -1

    This is what Joomla themselves are telling me, based on the same info I have given you.. I cannot fix it, can I..

    **The error message shows that the session.save_path value is not correct and/or not writable.
    Contact your hosting company about it.

  • edited August 2018

    I will give you the password to the cpanel for the site, if it helps get it back..

  • edited November -1

    @badbot said:

    I am actually starting a project that is going to eat up some time. But you can do this. First follow this simple How to and make a backup of your database.

    Then check your configuration.php. It is is the root directory of Joomla. Check these four:

    public $host = ''; public $user = '22582233_5'; public $password = public $db = 'unaux_22582233_5';

    Yours will be different but I think is the one you want, not Which that makes me wonder, did you use the script installer or install with the Joomla download?

    What version of Joomla and what version php is the server running? php5 or php7. Look at you htaccess file in root directory also. I would like to see that.

    All this looks great, keep it up.. I always install Joomla through softaculous.. Always upto date, 3.8.11, and I find all this stuff baffling, I am not confident enough to do it, but I have changed it back to byetcluster now, as I know that is right, as I looked at all the others, I only changed it because the cpanel said unaux.. How can I send you a copy of the files you need, there doesn't seem to be a file attach option here mate.. when you say install with the joomla download, I'm not sure what you mean there.. Can you not just access my files, my password is listed in the configuartion.php file, on your own server lol..

  • edited November -1

    Ah I have fopund the attach file option, it's the image icon, so cancel that lol :)

  • edited November -1

    I can't upload that file people, it says image / file, and asks for an image url lol, I have it though, so let me know how I can get it to ya, and I'll send it..


  • edited November -1

    @badbot said:
    You know accessing some ones account is not a good idea. Anything will then be that persons fault.

    You just copy and paste the text of the file in the code option of the post text editor.

    @PaulNewman123 said:
    but I have changed it back to byetcluster now, as I know that is right, as I looked at all the ?>others, I only changed it because the cpanel said unaux.

    If you edited configuration.php file may be why it is broke! One php syntax out of place will throw an error. Hard learn as you go. Maybe start over. All articles will be gone. Unless you get the database backup imported.

    @badbot said:
    You know accessing some ones account is not a good idea. Anything will then be that persons fault.

    You just copy and paste the text of the file in the code option of the post text editor.

    @PaulNewman123 said:
    but I have changed it back to byetcluster now, as I know that is right, as I looked at all the ?>others, I only changed it because the cpanel said unaux.

    If you edited configuration.php file may be why it is broke! One php syntax out of place will throw an error. Hard learn as you go. Maybe start over. All articles will be gone. Unless you get the database backup imported.

    Why is this site recognised as spam by facebook, it's making it difficult for me to send links to people to try and fix this. No, the site was broken before I changed it.. You're an Admin aren't you, when are you going to take some responsibility, and fix my site..