Third Party Email Provider

edited November -1 in General Discussions

Hi guys.
I am very appreciate with this free services for shared hosting.
But there is limitation for email service, then I think that to use third party email provider (mailgun) to see if its working.
After I create an account to these site and add the several config for CNAME, MX, SPF record via vistaPanel, I have trouble to add to the SPF record.

Does anyone have an idea for this email service issue?
Thanks before.
Im still struggling for this.


  • edited November -1

    Hi @badbot. Thanks for your reply. After I tried your suggestion to add 'dot' at the end of the domainkey (without, it still not take an effect. I get the same error message like this "Illegal characters in hostname part 4 (k1._domainkey.). Syntax Error in domain name.".
    What does the error mean? I assuming that the 4 char "underscore" is not allowed by the system

  • edited November -1

    Hi @badbot. Thanks for your reply. After I tried your suggestion to add 'dot' at the end of the domainkey, it still not take an effect. I get the same error message like this "Illegal characters in hostname part 4 (k1._domainkey.). Syntax Error in domain name.".
    What does the error mean? I assuming that the 4 char "underscore" is not allowed by the system

    But after I tried to insert with the different hostname e.g "@". It also throw me to same error message like above

    When I tried insert it with "" (I insert dot in the end of the domain name) as hostname, it successfully added the record but the hostname changed to
    Does it not matter?

  • edited November -1

    But after I tried to insert with the different hostname e.g "@". It also throw me to same error message like above

    When I tried insert it with "" (I insert dot in the end of the domain name) as hostname, it successfully added the record but the hostname changed to
    Does it not matter?

    The only problem is to add "K1._domainkay." to SPF, even successfully added it always changed to So the mailgun server wouldn't recognized the configured hostname
    Any idea for this issue?

  • edited November -1

    Hi. So you mean I can not configure the DKIM record? my last step is to add DKIM TXT record. the all configuration setup properly except that one.

  • edited November -1

    It still not working because I need to setup CNAME, MX, SPF and DKIM config. Thats all was configured properly except DKIM because the DKIM record seem not displayed/not allowed in vistaPanel. Can you make DKIM Record to enable for editing?

  • edited November -1

    how to add mx record

  • edited November -1

    @dykisa said:
    It still not working because I need to setup CNAME, MX, SPF and DKIM config. Thats all was configured properly except DKIM because the DKIM record seem not displayed/not allowed in vistaPanel. Can you make DKIM Record to enable for editing?

    You can transfer your site to CloudFlare to use DKIM records.

  • edited November -1

    I hadn't noticed, I was too tired.

    Yeah anyway, you can use both to setup MX Records.

    @badbot said:
    but thanks cloudflare is a very useful tool for forum trolls.

    I didn't quite get that. How is it useful for forum trolls specifically?

    What is the difference between being useful for normal users and for forum trolls?