my nameservers are suspended without any notice or information DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN

hi my name servers are suspended and i had and addon domain from godaddy and first i asked there and they said it's because of namservers. i searched it on youtube also there also it showed the same result that it's because of name servers please help me anyone @badbot or the admin. I am losing traffic my domain is if anyone has any information on how to fix this please tell me. Why is my name server suspended?


  • edited November -1

    Hello @advikjaiswal007 and are default set to not receive any requests. They are just nameservers.. and they make sure the domain is real.
    And what is your domain? Is your domain suspended?

  • edited November -1

    I have the same issue

  • edited November -1

    Both of your domains work for me, just took a longer time to load. Try clearing your DNS cache.