Optimize WordPress Website

edited November -1 in Support Forums

Hi, WordPress compatibility is not good on pro free host and it takes up a lot of resources. Also, when I initialize cron it automatically deletes and I think you should solve this problem. Another thing that I wonder is that I want to integrate google AdSense into my website. However, it does not allow integration and I want to share my website on social networks like facebook, but they say I violate community policy. Although, it's a secure website. I see, the performance of WordPress on the pro free host is very bad and it does not give the most optimal page load speed. Therefore, it may cause a certain delay. Next, I can't insert the widget into my website because it gives an error not valid json. Meanwhile, I use paid hosts, everything is fine. I hope you respond soon and I need a lasting improvement. Even if everything is cut, but at least it has to be even, everything has to be perfect. It should help the website work stably and without serious problems. Make sure everything is working properly. If you need to renew, you can renew it automatically to maintain the web server. Thanks.


  • edited November -1

    I believe, every pro free host user has the same right to develop regardless of paid or free. So I need to be treated fairly.