My website is suspended for 24 hours

edited November -1 in Support Forums

Hi profreehost
My website is still suspended it has been more than 24 hours and i can't login to my cpanel so please unsuspend my site so I can fix errors and issues. And i don't know how can I fix it without accessing cpanel. Please help me and take action as soon as possible.


  • edited November -1

    I got suspended recently too; I e-mailed support, but I've gotten no reply yet. I don't really think it's a good idea to make a thread just to complain to staff, Spidy - but you've made this thread anyways, so I'll tack on that my site (dozingred) is suspended without reason in case an admin sees it.

  • edited November -1

    I understand bro but I was suspended because my CPU reached his limit and it was supposed to get unsuspend after 24 hours but idk why @Admin @support they are not helping and it has been 4 days and they didn't even care this website is shit for hosting.

  • edited November -1

    all the websites in my account are suspended by their anti abuse system
    i was uploading website from my pc and all of a sudden i recieve 2 emails that tells me both of my websites are suspended
    idk why me second website got suspended
    @Admin @Administrator @support please look into this matter