Can't reactivate my account, I want to delete but I don't know how.
It looks like a didn't get enough hits for my website and the reactivate options brings an error. I'd like to delete it from my account, but I do not know how to. Please advise and thank you!
Your account was deleted long ago. It seems that system didn't delete the remains of the account that's why it's still showing. Your account is cleared now.
What about my sites that are stuck in "deactivated" state for a long time? User ezyro_30772609 and unaux_29919723. I know that both were deactivated due to lack of interactions, but now I can't remove them. Please help me to get rid of them.
Same situation. 2 accounts: ezyro_35452362 & unaux_34142806. How can I either reactivate or delete them please?