No more email and webmail

No more email and webmail on free PFH account.
Now my SMTP client doesn't work either
Or maybe I'm wrong


  • edited November -1

    Without email no SMTP client does not work, and without SMTP client contact forms do not work, registration of new members is difficult and much more.
    In other words it is time to leave PFH and run away while it is time to look for an alternative

  • edited November -1

    Sorry I was away for a while.
    And now I'm trying in every way to access webmail roundcube, add an MX record for my domain but I'm not succeeding at all.
    But I know that with the smtp client and the google or gmail account.
    This was working normally for me but I don’t know when exactly it stopped because I wasn’t in control until recently counting that everything was fine.
    I also tried to configure the SMTP client via Zoho mail, but all in vain.
    Then on one forum PFH didn't get the information that I should see it with the hosting provider