Can't access control panel, redirection to ad page only
Both panel logins work fine on my end. Try clearing your browser and DNS cache, or use a VPN to see if the issue persists.
Unfortunately none of these worked out (tried opera vpn, incognito tabs in every browser, cleared DNS cache). I tried accessing from different computers too with the same result. It keeps showing only ads.
I'm kind of desperate at this point and might change hosting asap.
This is a very strange issue. I used an online proxy (CroxyProxy) myself to test it out again today, and it works fine. No idea why it won't work for you, even with a VPN.
I also facing the same problem how can i solve this issue.
@ChrisPAR said:
This is a very strange issue. I used an online proxy (CroxyProxy) myself to test it out again today, and it works fine. No idea why it won't work for you, even with a VPN.Using CroxyProxy I've got this error while accessing CPanel:
3fe8e877ef7ee2ea0f826d870a38f8ff:1674640511:V2UndmUgZ290IGEgcHJvYmxlbS4gUHJvYmFibHkgd2UgZG8gbm90IHN1cHBvcnQgcmVzb3VyY2UgdGhhdCB5b3UgcmVxdWVzdGVkICgxKSBbIiJdLiBQbGVhc2UgdHJ5IGFnYWluIG9yIGNoZWNrIHRoYXQgYWRkcmVzcyAiaHR0cDovL2NwYW5lbC5saXZlYmxvZzM2NS5jb20vbG9naW4ucGhwIiBpcyB2YWxpZA==:aHR0cHM6Ly8xNDQuNzYuMjIyLjE5L2xvZ2luLnBocD9fX2Nwbz1hSFIwY0RvdkwyTndZVzVsYkM1c2FYWmxZbXh2WnpNMk5TNWpiMjA=Hope someone can figure this out... Thanks @ChrisPAR
Let me be more specific, this is the message error with context ->
Request failed
We've got a problem. Probably we do not support resource that you requested (1) [""]. Please try again or check that address "" is valid
Please include the following error ID, if you want to contact support:3fe8e877ef7ee2ea0f826d870a38f8ff:1674640618:V2UndmUgZ290IGEgcHJvYmxlbS4gUHJvYmFibHkgd2UgZG8gbm90IHN1cHBvcnQgcmVzb3VyY2UgdGhhdCB5b3UgcmVxdWVzdGVkICgxKSBbIiJdLiBQbGVhc2UgdHJ5IGFnYWluIG9yIGNoZWNrIHRoYXQgYWRkcmVzcyAiaHR0cDovL2NwYW5lbC5saXZlYmxvZzM2NS5jb20vbG9naW4ucGhwIiBpcyB2YWxpZA==:aHR0cHM6Ly8xNDQuNzYuMjIyLjE5L2xvZ2luLnBocD9fX2Nwbz1hSFIwY0RvdkwyTndZVzVsYkM1c2FYWmxZbXh2WnpNMk5TNWpiMjA=