Background showing on html file- but not hosted site?

edited November -1 in Bug/Issue Reports

Hey- kinda new here but I have my site Here and the background is not loading from my hosted html file, but is in my locally saved file?? They're the exact same file, I don't understand. Anyone?


  • Admin
    edited November -1

    The website is loading just fine here. I see "heroarea.png" background loading fine here. It could be cache. Try renaming your css file or add "?123" at the end of css file link in html.

    edited November -1

    I cleared my cache- thank you, my background now loads. However I'm still having issues with the DiRT 3 image? I'd appreciate anymore assistance- thank you

  • Admin
    edited November -1

    It's because the actual image name is in small letters (dirt.jpg) and in img tag it is all upper-cases (DIRT.jpg)

    edited November -1

    Thank you very much for your help.