[PHP Extension] Can you enable Putenv?
Hello @Admin,
I want to request an extension for my website: Putenv, can you please enable it for my website, please?
It must be from the same author, I guess (from the "Be" on both).
Unfortunately I have to tell you that file sharing websites are not allowed on ProFreeHost and even if they were allowed, the 10MB limit would be too little for such sites (unless it is image file hosting, whereas 10MB is a common limit on some sites).
TOS Refererence:
You Agree To Not Use The Service To:
10: upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available any material that is of keylogging / proxy service / irc / shell(s) if any type / file hosting / file sharing types.
So, even if we did enable Putenv, it would be useless for you, as websites which violate the TOS get suspended automatically.