edited November -1 in Support Forums

I am not sure what DNS i am to use for my website it gives me

byte.org ones
unaux.com ones
and it also give me
ezyro.com ones

So do i use the byte.org, unaux.com or the ezyro.com ones someone please help me


  • edited November -1

    @rpearcy said:
    I am not sure what DNS i am to use for my website it gives me

    byte.org ones
    unaux.com ones
    and it also give me
    ezyro.com ones

    So do i use the byte.org, unaux.com or the ezyro.com ones someone please help me

    If your website is a UNAUX ending use that one
    If your website is a EZYRO ending use that one
    If you are still having issues visit this support page

  • edited November -1

    i am useing a custom domain but when i click on dns when i log in it gives me the UNAUX DNS