Website keeps getting suspended.

edited November -1 in Support Forums

Hello. My website keeps getting suspended for cpu hits.
I know what is that but isnt that too low? This website its with my friends and if we post like 10 posts it gets suspended.
And does that apply to Website visits too? Does it have like limited visits? Because if its that than that means you cant run a news website. Our plan was to start free and than upgrade the domain and the hosting plan.


  • edited November -1

    Please post your domain

    You can view the amounts of hits on your website by going to your Website, it displays as:
    "Daily Hits Used XXX % (XXXXX of 50000)"

    Free accounts have a 50,000 hit limit. Upgrading will increase it, but hits are referred to:,
    The average website owner thinks that a hit means a visit but it is very different. A Hit actually refers to the number of files downloaded on your site, this could include photos, graphics, etc. Picture the average web page, it has photos (each photo is a file and hence a hit) and lots of buttons (each button is a file and hence a hit).

    So every file loaded is a Hit.
    Depending on your script you are using, it loads a lot of files.

  • edited November -1

    Okey, so a view doesnt count as a hit.
    Every file is 1 hit? Or a file can be like 100hits? Beacuse theres no way i upload 50000files. I just want to know how it works.

  • edited November -1

    btw the domain is

  • edited November -1

    My site got unsuspended today. Posted 3posts. Got suspended. Is there a way i can fix this beacuse you cant to anything with this.

  • edited January 2019

    It has to do with something in your files.
    Hits do not apply to a single user, it applies to everyone. How hits work is when, for example, a image is loaded on a web page, both the web page and the image are considered a Hit. So thus making it 2 hits. The more files that are linked together, the more hits you are going to get, for example, if you are using wordpress, you will get several hits, because it is loading more than just images, and text, it connects to a database, it checks the PHP code in other files, etc. So it has to be something in your website causing the files to get several hits at a time. And if you are getting a lot of web traffic, that can contribute to it.

    This is basically the best way I can describe it.
    But technically I cannot do anything that your website is suspended.
    The best thing to do is to contact Admin.

  • edited January 2019

    What if i upgrade my account to Super premium hosting plan? Will i have unlimited hits?
    And noticed my site loads too slow. Will it load faster if i upgrade?

  • edited November -1

    What if i upgrade my account to Super premium hosting plan? Will i have unlimited hits?

    Upgrading will Increase the amount of hits you get, but I am unsure if you will get unlimited. You would have to contact @Admin for that.