You can install free SSL on Profreehost provided sub-domain through and make sure to use CNAME for domain verification. If you have custom domain and have purchased an SSL, just follow this support article:
Profreehost supports only MySQL/MariaDB for database solution.
Create a new account with your desired email address.
Your account was deleted long ago. It seems that system didn't delete the remains of the account that's why it's still showing. Your account is cleared now.
Most of the php based applications work on PFH hosting. About programming languages, only PHP is supported.
Always keep your backup with you in case of any failure. Unfortunately, we have zero tolerance towards phishing and your website is flagged for the same reason.
Your account seems to be suspended because of phishing activity. It cannot be reactivated.
The domain was suspended because of a-lot of phishing reports. Phishers find ways to host phishing contents on hosting services despite intense security measures. Anyways, the domain is back online.
You can get free SSL from ZeroSSL and verify your subdomain via CNAME
Your account is reactivated.
Updates for php and mariadb are being done on all servers one by one. It could be that the server on which your website is hosted is being upgraded at the time. It will be back as soon as the server is upgraded.
Websites that are idle for more than a month are automatically deleted. What you are seeing might be just the residual information of your account. Hosting account is deleted because of being idle.
When was the last time you visited your website?
Seems that your account was linked with another bad account (not hosted with us). Your account with Profreehost was reactivated.
There is no account with this domain:
Link shorteners are allowed as long as they are not used to short the links for malicious contents. Our system scans for malicious activities continuously. If any malicious activity is linked to your account, it will be banned.
Everything seems to be working. Share your username
Provide the URL of your website.
The best bet is to add a new domain and migrate your website files there.
It's loading fine on my end.
You are welcome
It should not be visible in your account now.
Whenever an account is suspended/closed, email is forwarded to the registered email address to notify user to take action (if any possible). Once the account is deleted from our servers, it cannot be recovered at all.
Your account was deleted after 30 days of suspension. What you see is just the residual information of the account.
Your account was closed and permanently deleted after 30 days. What you see is just the residual information of the account. You cannot reactivate it.
The upgrade is under process on some servers right now. It may take a few hours for upgrade to be completed. Some accounts will have PHP version update soon.
For further resolution on this issue contact support from your control panel.
Your website has Secure Connection Failure. Get free SSL from ZeroSSL using CNAME verficiation.
Share url of your website.
You can simple get free SSL from ZeroSSL using CNAME verification. It's not that difficult.