Hey mate, so I waited some days to see if the issue would work, it sadly still does not. However I did see the forwarder option and I put in my roundcube email and to forward it to my gmail account but it would not allow me too. What else can we do?
I also did try to use my roundcube email and never got a bounce to it
<?php//--------------------------Set these paramaters--------------------------// Subject of email sent to you.$subject = 'Subject'; // Your email address. This is where the form information will be sent. $emailadd = ''; // Where to redirect after form is processed. $url = '';…
I just changed the redirection, it shouldn't lead anywhere. This isn't any kind of wordpress, custom made. It worked on my school server that I no longer have access too, here is the source: ` <?php//--------------------------Set these paramaters--------------------------// Subject of email sent to you.$subject =…
I have received the reply my good sir
@badbot I have sent the email to that address
@TheCrafters @badbot So after I created the account, I tried again through my site and I couldn't get the email to go through, what do I do?
I tried to send it through my website @badbot , I do not know my credentials for the roundcube
I really do not understand the whole MX Entry type thing, this is my first time dealing with this kind of thing, I have 3 entries one is of with byte cluster, the other two are: 0 0
I did that, I added the domain with the mxentry and bytecluster and I tried to send an email but it never worked
my domain is nerdodevelopmenttesting
So how would I then set up my MX Record?
So how would I add my email to the mx entries? I want to use my gmail account for it all
<?php//--------------------------Set these paramaters--------------------------// Subject of email sent to you.$subject = 'Subject'; // Your email address. This is where the form information will be sent. $emailadd = ''; // Where to redirect after form is processed. $url = ''; // Makes all…